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Gelombang PHK Terjadi Lagi, Kini di Microsoft Xbox

Belum lama ini kamu pernah merilis berita mengenai perusahaan yang akhirnya melakukan PHK, seperti Samsung India yang juga melakukannya belum seminggu yang lalu.

Kini ada perusahaan besar lainnya yang ikut, Microsoft, meskipun memang perusahaan secara terang-terangan mengatakan bahwa PHK dilakukan di sebagian besar staff Xbox.

Tentu ini belum cukup, beberapa bulan sebelumnya Microsoft juga melakukan hal yang sama dan PHK berdampak di lebih dari 2.000 staff.

Kini di Xbox mereka kembali menggelar gelombang PHK di 600 staff, hal ini diklaim agar ada pertumbuhan dalam industri mereka. informasi pendukung mengatakan staff yang di PHK sendiri merupakan bagian pendukung saja.

“As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming — mostly corporate and supporting functions — to organize our business for long term success,” kata Spencer.

Pengembangan studio Games yang mereka miliki tentunya sangat penting, Spencer melalui memo meyakini bahkan dengan PHK ini tidak ada pengembangan yang dibatalkan setelah bekerja sama dengan Activision.

Berikut isi memo dari Spencer:

For the past year, our goal has been to minimize disruption while welcoming new teams and enabling them to do their best work. As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming — mostly corporate and supporting functions — to organize our business for long term success.

I know that this is difficult news to hear. We are deeply grateful for the contributions of our colleagues who are learning they are impacted. In the US, we’re supporting them with exit packages that include severance, extended healthcare, and outplacement services to help with their transition; outside the US packages will differ according to location. 

With these changes, our corporate and supporting teams and resources are aligned for sustainable future growth, and can better support our studio teams and business units with programs and resources that can scale to meet their needs. Separately, as part of running the business, there are some impacts to other teams as they adapt to shifting priorities and manage the lifecycle and performance of games. No games, devices or experiences are being cancelled and no studios are being closed as part of these adjustments today.

Throughout our team’s history, we have had great moments, and we have had challenging ones. Today is one of the challenging days. I know that going through more changes like this is hard, but even in the most trying times, this team has been able to come together and show one another care and kindness as we work to continue delivering for our players. We appreciate your support as we navigate these changes and we thank you for your compassion and respect for each other.

Gelombang PHK memang terjadi di mana-mana, di Xbox dan Activision sendiri diklaim juga terjadi namun hanya berdampak di tim pendukung dan bukan tim utama.

Editor: Hudalil Mustakim

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