Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 + Kunci Jawaban

Ujian Tengah Semester adalah ujian yang dilakukan rutin setiap tiga bulan sekali untuk mengevaluasi pelajaran siswa dan siswi disekolah. Para Guru akan memberikan soal-soal untuk para siswa agar dijawab tanpa melihat buku. Sehingga kemampuan siswa dan siswi dapat terlihat, apakah mereka sudah mengerti dengan materi yang sudah diajarkan atau belum.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1, dimana didalamnya akan terdapat 2 bagian soal.

Bagian pertama yaitu soal bagian A yang terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan berganda dan soal bagian B yang terdiri dari 15 soal Essay. Siswa dan siswi diharapkan mampu mengerjakan soal-soal tersebut dengan baik dan benar. Simaklah soal-soal dibawah ini dengan tepat !

Keterangan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1:

  • Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
  • Soal Essay : 10

A. Put a tick (X) on A, B, and C according to the correct answer!

1. We can cook in the …

a. Bedroom

b. Bathroom

c. Kitchen

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1 No. 2

2. In the bathroom, we can …

a. Take a shower

b. Sleep

c. Playing football

3. When we go to school, we must wear …

a. Uniform

b. Swimsuit

c. Sweater

4. What we do at the school ?

a. Sleep

b. Study

c. Playing games

5. Budi is a dilligent boy. Budi is a diligent boy. So he often …. the bed.

a. Cleans

b. Leaves

c. Soils

Read the text below to answer questions 6 to 10 !

Kelinci - Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1

Rina has a pet. Rina’s pet is a rabbit. The color of the rabbit’s fur is white. He has long ears. Rina’s rabbit eyes are glossy black. He is very happy to play in Rina’s yard. Rina often feeds her rabbit with carrots. Rina’s rabbit ate voraciously. So don’t be surprised if his body looks full.

6. What is Rina’s pet ?

a. A dog

b. A Rabbit

c. A cat

7. Where does the rabbit rina like to play ?

a. Rina’s yard

b. Rina’s bedroom

c. Rina’s kitchen

8. What color is Rina’s rabbit fur ?

a. Black

b. Yellow

c. White

9. What does Rina’s rabbit eat ?

a. Carrot

b. Bread

c. Kale

10. Rina’s rabbit eye color is …

a. Glossy black

b. Blue

c. Yellow

11. If we meet friends in the morning, then we should say …

a. Good night

b. Good morning

c. Good evening

Soal No. 12

12. Why do teachers give us assignments?

a. Because the teacher wants to see how far the students’ understanding in the lessons that have been given

b. Because the teacher wants us to be tired

c. Because the teacher wants to be happy

13. Below are activities that we can do during break hours, except …

a. Eat snacks

b. Sing

c. Scribble on the wall

14. Yani : “How old are you ?”

Nita : “…”

Complete the conversation above!

a. I’m fine

b. Thank you

c. I’m 12 years old

15. Doni : “… do your eyes look red ?”

Romi : “Because my eyes hurt”

Complete the conversation above!

a. Why

b. What

c. Where

16. Bakso if we say in English is …

a. Football

b. Meatball

c. Volleyball

17. Mie if we say in English is …

a. Noodle

b. Doodle

c. Google

18. Beras if we say in English is …

a. Wheat

b. Rice

c. Sticky rice

19. Window if we say in Bahasa Indonesia is …

a. Kaca

b. Jendela

c. Meja

20. Kipas angin if we say in English is …

a. Fan

b. Pan

c. Pen

Read the conversation below to answer questions 21 to 25!

Teacher : “Wilo, please read the questions in the English book on page 23!”

Wilo : “Sorry Mrs, I can’t read it”

Teacher : “Why can’t you read it ?”

Wilo : “Because my English book was borrowed by Roni yesterday. And today he didn’t come because he was sick”

Teacher : “Okay, you can share the book with Tio who is in front of you”

Wilo : “Thankyou Mrs.”

Teacher : “Okay you’re welcome”

21. From the conversation above, what book did the teacher instruct Wilo to read ?

a. Math book

b. Bialogy book

c. English book

22. On what page did the teacher tell Wilo to read a book ?

a. 23


c. 25

23. Why can’t Wilo read books?

a. Because he is sick

b. Because he doesn’t understand

c. Because his English book was borrowed by Roni

24. Why is Roni not present in class?

a. Because he was sick

b. Because he was lazy

c. Because he was dilligent

25. Who does Wilo share English books with?

a. Roni

b. Tio

c. Budi

26. Hadi : “Where are you from, Ratna ?”

Ratna : “…”.

a. I’m fine

b. I’m from Surabaya

c. I’m sick

27. Dina : “What are you doing, Lisa ?

Lisa : “…”

a. Because, i’m late

b. I am working on a task

c. I’m fine, and you ?

28. T – B – A – L – E

Arrange the letters above into a word !

a. Table

c. Ablet

c. Tablet

29. P – A – T – N – S

Arrange the letters above into a word !

a. Natp

b. Pants

c. Stanp

30. S – S – T – R – E – I

Arrange the letters above into a word !

a. Sister

b. Stersis

c. Sitres

B. Answer the questions below with the correct answer !

1. He was born …. 25th June 2012.

2. Can I … some sugar.

3. I’m very …. . So I want to eat right now.

4. My … is 7th years old.

5. My … at Sudirman street.

6. Submarine is … transportation.

7. Plane is …. transportation.

8. Car is … transportation.

9. Aku ingin pergi ke pasar.

Translate the sentence above into English!

10.   Ibu memasak sup jagung di dapur.

Translate the sentence above into English!

11. Heavy rainy today. I have to wear a jacket.

Translate the sentence above into Bahasa!

12. Rina helps a grandmother when crossing the road.

Translate the sentence above into Bahasa!

13. Tono is buying a new computer.

Translate the sentence above into Bahasa!

14. T – H – O

Arrange the letters above into a word !

15. M – R – A

Arrange the letters above into a word !

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Demikianlah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1, semoga soal-soal diatas dapat menjadi bahan ajaran murid kelas 2 SD dalam belajar bahasa inggris.

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