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NEWS: China Larang Pengguna iPhone di Bidang Pemerintahan

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Amerika Serikat mulai melarang karyawannya yang bekerja di kantor-kantor pemerintahan untuk tidak menggunakan platform TikTok. Selanjutnya ada China yang saat ini mulai mengumumkan bahwa mereka melarang karyawannya untuk menggunakan iPhone.

China melarang pengguna iPhone yang bekerja di bidang pemerintahan, pemerintah mengklaim bahwa ini untuk mempertahankan sistem keamanan mereka, ada banyak kantor pemerintahan yang saat ini melarang karyawannya untuk menggunakna iPhone di wilayah kerja mereka.

“The ban is essentially part of a larger plan for the Chinese government to cut its reliance on foreign technology and keep sensitive data from possibly leaking. As per the report, Chinese government officials are instructed to not use their iPhones for work-related tasks and are also banned from bringing them to the workplace.”

Melansir dari The Wall Street Journal, pemerintah China secara resmi mulai mengumumkan perintah ini di berbagai macam kantor cabang pemerintahan. Mereka juga memperkuat pemeriksaan ponsel agar pengguna tidak menggunakan iPhone di wilayah atau ranah kerja mereka, misalnya seperti dikantor-kantor pemerintahan.

“A recent report by the Wall Street Journal claims that Chinese government officials are now banned from using iPhones and devices from foreign brands at work over potential security risks. A follow-up report from Bloomberg News suggests that the ban will likely extend to government-backed agencies and state-run companies as China seeks to become technologically self-reliant. China is one of Apple’s largest markets and is home to several of its large-scale manufacturing hubs.

China plans to expand a ban on the use of iPhones in sensitive departments to government-backed agencies and state companies, a sign of growing challenges for Apple Inc. in its biggest foreign market and global production base.

Several agencies have begun instructing staff not to bring their iPhones to work, people familiar with the matter said, affirming a previous report from the Wall Street Journal. In addition, Beijing intends to extend that restriction far more broadly to a plethora of state-owned enterprises and other government-controlled organizations, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing a sensitive matter.”

Sementara itu, beberapa informasi mengatakan bahwa China akan terus memperluas jangkauan mereka untuk melarang pengguna iPhone di ranah kerja pemerintahan.

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